Happy Hour Comedy
What: Trans Youniting Benefit Show
When: June 23, 2024
Details:Join us on June 23 for the Trans Youniting Benefit show hosted by Alex Star, DJ by Jaxafroot. The show will feature a star-studded lineup including Belair Banks, Citrus, Anemia Blunt, Joey Young, Zion Brindr, Dezz, Warren Munroe, Brianna Briana, Zoeyliciousex, Clitori, Amina, Portia Thority, Lynnae O’Connor, Sara Belfum, Envy Sinn, Leshy, Jayden Envy, Stevie Crotchford, Indigo Sparks, Land Shark, Kaydence McQueen, Snoozy Q, Marissa Moore, Jemie Lee Coitus, Miss Demeanor, Iris Adair and more. The door opens at 6; Happy hour ends at 8 and the show begins at 10. Come out and support the trans community.